A.7. Sequence Types

All of the sequence ACD datatypes have an attribute called type:. Not surprisingly, this is used to limit the kind of sequence that EMBOSS will accept. The type: attribute describes the type of the sequence as a single token. The EMBOSS initialisation routines will try to establish the type, by reading the (first) sequence and examining the contents. Possible values for the type: attribute are listed in the table (Table A.6, “ACD Sequence Types”).

Table A.6. ACD Sequence Types
ValueType(s)GapsAmbiguity codesConversionsDescription
anyNucleotide or proteinRemovedYes'?'=>'X'Any valid sequence
gapanyNucleotide or proteinKeptYes'?'=>'X'Any valid sequence with gaps
dnaNucleotide onlyRemovedYes
DNA sequence
purednaNucleotide onlyRemovedNo'U'=>'T'DNA sequence, bases ACGT only
gapdnaNucleotide onlyKeptYes
DNA sequence with gaps
gapdnaphyloNucleotide onlyKeptYes'U'=>'T'DNA sequence with gaps and queries
rnaNucleotide onlyRemovedYes
RNA sequence
purernaNucleotide onlyRemovedNo'T'=>'U'RNA sequence, bases ACGU only
gaprnaNucleotide onlyKeptYes
RNA sequence with gaps
gaprnaphyloNucleotide onlyKeptYes'T'=>'U'RNA sequence with gaps and queries
nucleotideNucleotide onlyRemovedYes
nucleotide sequence
purenucleotideNucleotide onlyRemovedNoNucleotide sequence, bases ACGTU only
gapnucleotideNucleotide onlyKeptYes
Nucleotide sequence with gaps
gapnucleotidephyloNucleotide onlyKeptYesNucleotide sequence with gaps and queries
proteinProtein onlyRemovedYes
Protein sequence
pureproteinProtein onlyRemovedNoProtein sequence without BZ U X or *
stopproteinProtein onlyRemovedYes'?'=>'X'Protein sequence with possible stops
gapproteinProtein onlyKeptYes
Protein sequence with gaps
gapstopproteinProtein onlyKeptYes'?'=>'X'Protein sequence with gaps and possible stops
gapproteinphyloProtein onlyKeptYesProtein sequence with gaps, stops and queries
proteinstandardProtein onlyRemovedYes
Protein sequence with no selenocysteine
stopproteinstandardProtein onlyRemovedYes
Protein sequence with a possible stop but no selenocysteine
gapproteinstandardProtein onlyKeptYes
Protein sequence with gaps but no selenocysteine