Nucleus Sigpos object.
Holds data for compiled signature position
EmbPSigpos is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
gsiz | ajuint* | Gap sizes
gpen | float* | Gap penalties
subs | float* | Residue match values
ngaps | ajuint | No. of gaps
Padding | char[4] | Padding to alignment boundary
Name | Description |
embSigposNew | Default Sigdat object constructor
Name | Description |
embSigposDel | Default Sigdat object destructor
Nucleus Sigdat object.
Holds empirical data for an (uncompiled) signature position.
Important: Functions which manipulate this structure rely on the data in
the gap arrays (gsiz and grfq) being filled in order of increasing gap
EmbPSigdat is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
rids | AjPChar | Residue id's
rfrq | AjPUint | Residue frequencies
nres | ajuint | No. diff. types of residue
nenv | ajuint | No. diff. types of environment
eids | AjPStr* | Environment id's
efrq | AjPUint | Environment frequencies
gsiz | AjPUint | Gap sizes
gfrq | AjPUint | Frequencies of gaps of each size
ngap | ajuint | No. diff. sizes of empirical gap
wsiz | ajuint | Window size for this gap
Name | Description |
embSigdatNew | Default Sigdat object constructor
Name | Description |
embSigdatDel | Default Sigdat object destructor
Nucleus Signature object.
EmbPSignature is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Type | ajuint | Type, either ajSCOP (1) or ajCATH (2)
for domain signatures, or ajLIGAND (3) for ligand signatures.
Typesig | ajuint | Type, either aj1D (1) or aj3D (2)
for sequence or structure-based signatures respectively.
Class | AjPStr | SCOP classification.
Architecture | AjPStr | CATH classification.
Topology | AjPStr | CATH classification.
Fold | AjPStr | SCOP classification.
Superfamily | AjPStr | SCOP classification.
Family | AjPStr | SCOP classification.
Sunid_Family | ajuint | SCOP sunid for family.
npos | ajuint | No. of signature positions.
pos | EmbPSigpos* | Array of derived data for puropses of
dat | EmbPSigdat* | Array of empirical data.
Id | AjPStr | Protein id code.
Domid | AjPStr | Domain id code.
Ligid | AjPStr | Ligand id code.
Desc | AjPStr | Description of ligand (ajLIGAND only)
ns | ajuint | No. of sites (ajLIGAND only)
sn | ajuint | Site number (ajLIGAND only)
np | ajuint | No. of patches (ajLIGAND only)
pn | ajuint | Patch number (ajLIGAND only)
minpatch | ajuint | Max. patch size (residues) (ajLIGAND only)
maxgap | ajuint | Min. gap distance (residues) (ajLIGAND only)
Name | Description |
embSignatureReadNew | Construct a Signature object from reading a
file in embl-like format (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX
"sigscan" application).
Name | Description |
embSignatureWrite | Write a Signature object to a file in embl-like
format (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "sigscan"
Name | Description |
embSignatureHitsRead | Construct a Hitlist object from reading a
signature hits file (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX
"sigscan" application).
Name | Description |
embSignatureHitsWrite | Writes a list of Hit objects to a
signature hits file (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX
"sigscan" application).
Name | Description |
embSignatureCompile | Compiles a Signature object. The signature
must first have been allocated by using the embSignatureNew
Name | Description |
embSignatureAlignSeq | Performs an alignment of a signature to a
protein sequence. The signature must have first been compiled by
calling embSignatureCompile. Write a Hit object with the result.
embSignatureAlignSeqall | Performs an alignment of a signature to
protein sequences. The signature must have first been compiled by
calling embSignatureCompile. Write a list of Hit objects with
the result.
Nucleus hit object.
Holds data associated with a protein / domain sequence that is generated
and or manipulated by the EMBOSS applications seqsearch, seqsort, and
EmbPHit is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Seq | AjPStr | Sequence as string.
Start | ajuint | Start of sequence or signature alignment relative
to full length swissprot sequence, this is an
index so starts at 0.
End | ajuint | End of sequence or signature alignment relative
to full length swissprot sequence, this is an
index so starts at 0.
Acc | AjPStr | Accession number of sequence entry.
Spr | AjPStr | Swissprot code of sequence entry.
Dom | AjPStr | SCOP or CATH database identifier code of entry.
Rank | ajuint | Rank order of hit
Score | float | Score of hit
Eval | float | E-value of hit
Pval | float | p-value of hit
Typeobj | AjPStr | Primary (objective) classification of hit.
Typesbj | AjPStr | Secondary (subjective) classification of hit
Model | AjPStr | String for model type if used, one of
Alg | AjPStr | Alignment, e.g. of a signature to the sequence
Group | AjPStr | Grouping of hit, e.g. 'REDUNDANT' or
Target | AjBool | Used for garbage collection.
Target2 | AjBool | Also used for garbage collection.
Sig | EmbPSignature | Pointer to signature object for which hit
Priority | AjBool | Also used for garbage collection.
Padding | char[4] | Padding to alignment boundary
was generated. Used as a pointer only - memory is never freed or allocated
to it.
Name | Description |
embHitNew | Default Hit constructor
embHitReadFasta | Construct Hit object from reading the next entry
from a file in extended FASTA format (see documentation for the
DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application).
Name | Description |
embHitDel | Default Hit destructor
Name | Description |
embHitMerge | Create new Hit from merging two Hit objects
Nucleus hitlist object.
Holds an array of hit structures and associated SCOP classification
EmbPHitlist is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Class | AjPStr | SCOP classification.
Architecture | AjPStr | CATH classification.
Topology | AjPStr | CATH classification.
Fold | AjPStr | SCOP classification.
Superfamily | AjPStr | SCOP classification.
Family | AjPStr | SCOP classification.
Model | AjPStr | SCOP classification.
Sunid_Family | ajuint | SCOP sunid for family.
Priority | AjBool | True if the Hitlist is high priority.
hits | EmbPHit* | Array of hits.
Type | ajuint | Domain type, either ajSCOP (1) or
ajCATH (2).
N | ajuint | No. of hits.
Name | Description |
embHitlistRead | Construct Hitlist object from reading the next entry
from a file in embl-like format (see documentation for the
DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application).
Name | Description |
embHitlistReadFasta | Construct Hitlist object from reading
the next entry
from a file in extended FASTA format (see documentation for the
DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application).
Name | Description |
embHitlistReadNode | Construct Hitlist object from reading a specific
entry from a file in embl-like format (see documentation for the
DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application).
Name | Description |
embHitlistReadNodeFasta | Construct Hitlist object from reading
a specific entry from a file in extended FASTA format
(see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application).
Name | Description |
embHitlistWrite | Write Hitlist to file in embl-like format (see
documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application).
embHitlistWriteSubset | Write a subset of a Hitlist to file in
embl-like format (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch"
embHitlistWriteFasta | Write Hitlist to file in extended FASTA format
(see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application).
embHitlistWriteSubsetFasta | Write a subset of a Hitlist to file in
extended FASTA format (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX
"seqsearch" application).
embHitlistWriteHitFasta | Write a single Hit from a Hitlist to file
in extended FASTA format (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX
"seqsearch" application).
Name | Description |
embHitlistClassify | Classifies a list of signature-sequence hits
(held in a Hitlist object) according to list of target sequences
(a list of Hitlist objects).