
Section: Operators

These functions use the contents of an instance but do not make any changes.

embPdbidToSpRead a pdb identifier code and writes the equivalent swissprot identifier code. Relies on list of Pdbtosp objects sorted by PDB code, which is usually obtained by a call to ajPdbtospReadAllNew.
embPdbidToAccRead a pdb identifier code and writes the equivalent accession number. Relies on list of Pdbtosp objects sorted by PDB code, which is usually obtained by a call to ajPdbtospReadAllNew.
embPdbidToScopWrites a list of scop identifier codes for the domains that a Pdb object contains. The domain data is taken from a list of scop objects.
embAtomInContactDetermines whether two atoms are in physical contact
embAtomDistanceReturns the distance (Angstroms) between two atoms.

Function embPdbidToSp

Read a pdb identifier code and writes the equivalent swissprot identifier code. Relies on list of Pdbtosp objects sorted by PDB code, which is usually obtained by a call to ajPdbtospReadAllNew.


AjBool embPdbidToSp (
      const AjPStr pdb,
      AjPStr* spr,
      const AjPList list

const AjPStrpdbInputPdb identifier code
AjPStr*sprOutputSwissprot identifier code
const AjPListlistInputSorted list of Pdbtosp objects
AjBool RETURNTrue if a swissprot identifier code was found for the Pdb code.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function embPdbidToAcc

Read a pdb identifier code and writes the equivalent accession number. Relies on list of Pdbtosp objects sorted by PDB code, which is usually obtained by a call to ajPdbtospReadAllNew.


AjBool embPdbidToAcc (
      const AjPStr pdb,
      AjPStr* acc,
      const AjPList list

const AjPStrpdbInputPdb identifier code
AjPStr*accOutputAccession number
const AjPListlistInputSorted list of Pdbtosp objects
AjBool RETURNTrue if a swissprot identifier code was found for the Pdb code.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function embPdbidToScop

Writes a list of scop identifier codes for the domains that a Pdb object contains. The domain data is taken from a list of scop objects.


AjBool embPdbidToScop (
      const AjPPdb pdb,
      const AjPList list_allscop,
      AjPList* list_pdbscopids

const AjPPdbpdbInputPointer to pdb object
const AjPListlist_allscopInputPointer to SCOP list of SCOP classification objects
AjPList*list_pdbscopidsOutputPointer to list of scop domain ids in the current pdb object
AjBool RETURNajTrue on success

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function embAtomInContact

Determines whether two atoms are in physical contact


AjBool embAtomInContact (
      const AjPAtom atm1,
      const AjPAtom atm2,
      float thresh,
      const AjPVdwall vdw

const AjPAtomatm1InputAtom 1 object
const AjPAtomatm2InputAtom 1 object
floatthreshInputThreshold contact distance
const AjPVdwallvdwInputVdwall object Contact between two atoms is defined as when the van der Waals surface of the first atom comes within the threshold contact distance (thresh) of the van der Waals surface of the second atom.
AjBool RETURNTrue if the two atoms form contact

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function embAtomDistance

Returns the distance (Angstroms) between two atoms.


float embAtomDistance (
      const AjPAtom atm1,
      const AjPAtom atm2,
      const AjPVdwall vdw

const AjPAtomatm1InputAtom 1 object
const AjPAtomatm2InputAtom 1 object
const AjPVdwallvdwInputVdwall object Returns the distance (Angstroms) between the van der Waals surface of two atoms.
float RETURNDistance (Angstroms) between two atoms.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Section: Reporters

These functions return the contents of an instance but do not make any changes.

embVdwRadReturns the van der Waals radius of an atom. Returns 1.2 as default.
embPdbToIdxReads a Pdb object and writes an integer which gives the index into the protein sequence for a residue with a specified pdb residue number and a specified chain number.

Function embVdwRad

Returns the van der Waals radius of an atom. Returns 1.2 as default.


float embVdwRad (
      const AjPAtom atm,
      const AjPVdwall vdw

const AjPAtomatmInputAtom object
const AjPVdwallvdwInputVdwall object
float RETURNvan der Waals radius of the atom

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function embPdbToIdx

Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer which gives the index into the protein sequence for a residue with a specified pdb residue number and a specified chain number.


AjBool embPdbToIdx (
      ajint* idx,
      const AjPPdb pdb,
      const AjPStr res,
      ajint chn

ajint*idxOutputResidue number (index into sequence)
const AjPPdbpdbInputPdb object
const AjPStrresInputResidue number (PDB numbering)
ajintchnInputChain number
AjBool RETURNTrue on succcess (res was found in pdb object)

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Section: Miscellaneous

These functions may have diverse functions that do not fit into the other categories.

embPdbListHeterogensFunction to create a list of arrays of Atom objects for ligands in the current Pdb object (a single array for each ligand). An array of int's giving the number of Atom objects in each array, is also written. The number of ligands is also written.
embPdbResidueIndexIReads a Pdb object and writes an integer array which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for a given chain. The array length is of course equal to the number of structured residues.
embPdbResidueIndexCReads a Pdb object and writes an integer array which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for a given chain. The array length is of course equal to the number of structured residues.
embPdbResidueIndexICAReads a Pdb object and writes an integer array which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for a given chain, EXCLUDING those residues for which CA atoms are missing. The array length is of course equal to the number of structured residues.
embPdbResidueIndexCCAReads a Pdb object and writes an integer array which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for a given chain, EXCLUDING those residues for which CA atoms are missing. The array length is of course equal to the number of structured residues.
embStrideToThreeReads a string that contains an 8-state STRIDE secondary structure assignment and writes a string with the corresponding 3-state assignment. The 8 states used in STRIDE are 'H' (alpha helix), 'G' (3-10 helix), 'I' (Pi-helix), 'E' (extended conformation), 'B' or 'b' (isolated bridge), 'T' (turn) or 'C' (coil, i.e. none of the above). The 3 states used are 'H' (STRIDE 'H', 'G' or 'I'), 'E' (STRIDE 'E', 'B' or 'b') and 'C' (STRIDE 'T' or 'C'). The string is allocated if necessary.

Function embPdbListHeterogens

Function to create a list of arrays of Atom objects for ligands in the current Pdb object (a single array for each ligand). An array of int's giving the number of Atom objects in each array, is also written. The number of ligands is also written.


AjBool embPdbListHeterogens (
      const AjPPdb pdb,
      AjPList* list_heterogens,
      AjPInt* siz_heterogens,
      ajint* nhet,
      AjPFile logfile

const AjPPdbpdbInputPointer to pdb object
AjPList*list_heterogensOutputPointer to list of heterogen Atom arrays
AjPInt*siz_heterogensOutputPointer to integer array of sizes (number of Atom objects in each array).
ajint*nhetOutputNumber of arrays in the list that was written.
AjPFilelogfileModifyLog file for error messages
AjBool RETURNajTrue on success

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function embPdbResidueIndexI

Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for a given chain. The array length is of course equal to the number of structured residues.


AjBool embPdbResidueIndexI (
      const AjPPdb pdb,
      ajint chn,
      AjPInt* idx

const AjPPdbpdbInputPdb object
ajintchnInputChain number
AjPInt*idxOutputIndex array
AjBool RETURNTrue on succcess

From EMBOSS 3.0.0

Function embPdbResidueIndexC

Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for a given chain. The array length is of course equal to the number of structured residues.


AjBool embPdbResidueIndexC (
      const AjPPdb pdb,
      char chn,
      AjPInt* idx

const AjPPdbpdbInputPdb object
charchnInputChain identifier
AjPInt*idxOutputIndex array
AjBool RETURNTrue on succcess

From EMBOSS 3.0.0

Function embPdbResidueIndexICA

Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for a given chain, EXCLUDING those residues for which CA atoms are missing. The array length is of course equal to the number of structured residues.


AjBool embPdbResidueIndexICA (
      const AjPPdb pdb,
      ajint chn,
      AjPUint* idx,
      ajint* nres

const AjPPdbpdbInputPdb object
ajintchnInputChain number
AjPUint*idxOutputIndex array
ajint*nresOutputArray length
AjBool RETURNTrue on succcess

From EMBOSS 3.0.0

Function embPdbResidueIndexCCA

Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for a given chain, EXCLUDING those residues for which CA atoms are missing. The array length is of course equal to the number of structured residues.


AjBool embPdbResidueIndexCCA (
      const AjPPdb pdb,
      char chn,
      AjPUint* idx,
      ajint* nres

const AjPPdbpdbInputPdb object
charchnInputChain identifier
AjPUint*idxOutputIndex array
ajint*nresOutputArray length
AjBool RETURNTrue on succcess

From EMBOSS 3.0.0

Function embStrideToThree

Reads a string that contains an 8-state STRIDE secondary structure assignment and writes a string with the corresponding 3-state assignment. The 8 states used in STRIDE are 'H' (alpha helix), 'G' (3-10 helix), 'I' (Pi-helix), 'E' (extended conformation), 'B' or 'b' (isolated bridge), 'T' (turn) or 'C' (coil, i.e. none of the above). The 3 states used are 'H' (STRIDE 'H', 'G' or 'I'), 'E' (STRIDE 'E', 'B' or 'b') and 'C' (STRIDE 'T' or 'C'). The string is allocated if necessary.


AjBool embStrideToThree (
      AjPStr* to,
      const AjPStr from

AjPStr*toOutputString to write
const AjPStrfromInputString to read
AjBool RETURNTrue on succcess

From EMBOSS 2.9.0