[EMBOSS] Experimental packages available for EMBOSS on Debian.

Charles Plessy charles-listes-emboss at plessy.org
Sat Apr 28 04:23:56 EDT 2007

Dear all,

The Debian-Med project is preparing Debian packages for EMBOSS. While
our current packages are not ready for official release in Debian
unstable or testing, they seem to be functionnal from a bioinformatical
point of view. The issues are more about QA of the packaging - for
instance there are conflicts between some EMBOSS binary names and other
programs from other packages.

We made our packages available in the experimental section of Debian,
and would be glad to hear feedback from interested users.


Debian offers an increasing range of programs for bioinformatics, and
using packages management tools such as apt-get, aptitude or synaptic,
one can automagically install programms for which EMBOSS has a wrapper:
such as dialign, primer3 and clustalw.

When the EMBOSS packages will be ready, we plan to further increase our
support to EMBASSY and to helper databases such as REBASE.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Debian-Med pacakging team,

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