B.3. EMBASSY Packages (release R6)

Table B.2. EMBASSY Packages (release R6)
CbstoolsThe CBSTOOLS package is a set of wrappers to selected applications from the CBS group in Denmark.
DomainatrixThe DOMAINATRIX programs were developed by Jon Ison and colleagues at MRC HGMP for their protein domain research. They are included as an EMBASSY package as a work in progress.
DomalignThe DOMALIGN programs were developed by Jon Ison and colleagues at MRC HGMP for their protein domain research. They are included as an EMBASSY package as a work in progress.
DomsearchThe DOMSEARCH programs were developed by Jon Ison and colleagues at MRC HGMP for their protein domain research. They are included as an EMBASSY package as a work in progress.
EmnuThe EMNU package is a simple EMBOSS menu system written by Gary Williams at HGMP.
Esim4The ESIM4 package is an EMBOSS conversion of the SIM4 package from Liliana Florea.
HmmernewEMBASSY HMMERNEW is a suite of application wrappers to the original hmmer v2.3.2 applications written by Sean Eddy. hmmer v2.3.2 must be installed on the same system as EMBOSS and the location of the hmmer executables must be defined in your path for EMBASSY HMMER to work.
IprscanThe IPRSCAN package is a wrapper for the interproscan program.
MemenewThe EMBASSY MEME package contains 'wrapper' applications providing an EMBOSS-style interface to the applications in the original MEME package version 4.0.0 developed by Timothy L. Bailey.
MiraThe MIRA package is a fragment assembly program from Bastien Chevreux. The program was converted to EMBOSS by Alan Bleasby as two applications, one for EST assembly and one for shotgun fragment assembly
MseThe MSE package is a multiple sequence editor. The program was contributed to the EMBOSS package by the author, Will Gilbert, as one of the first EMBASSY programs.
MyembossdemoThe MYEMBOSSDEMO package contains example applications using EMBOSS data types
PhylipnewThe PHYLIPNEW programs are EMBOSS conversions of the programs in Joe Felsenstein's PHYLIP package, version 3.69.
SignatureThe SIGNATURE programs were developed by Jon Ison and colleagues at MRC HGMP for their protein domain research. They are included as an EMBASSY package as a work in progress.
StructureThe STRUCTURE programs were developed by Jon Ison and colleagues at MRC HGMP for their protein domain research. They are included as an EMBASSY package as a work in progress.
TopoThe TOPO package is a graphics program to display membrane protein topology by Susan Jean Johns.
ViennaThese programs are adapted from the VIENNA RNA package.